A little bit more of myself


I am 17y/o this year. I consider myself as very straightforward person; I don't beat around the bush, if I have a question to ask/to fill my curiousity, I would shoot it out. However...I do know my boundaries! If it's too privacy invasive, I would stop asking :)

My Childhood

My childhood mostly revolves around lego! For my first ever toy, I got a huge bucket of lego, where it contains more than 2000 pieces and words could not describe the happiness I had.

I would build robots, car, catapult and many more because legos has unlimited possibility! This continue through to my secondary school times. Leading to the making of my masterpiece being built...it was built for a competition which has a theme of exploration. My masterpiece was an insect-like robot which would maneuver through unknown terrain for exploring of unknown regions.

Insect-like robot


I attended Innova Primary School and graduated with a score of 207 for PSLE. I went on to attend Admiralty Secondary School because of my passion for Robotics, and became a student leader, in addtion gained various awards and experience from competitions I joined. Lastly, I graduated from secondary school and enter Singapore Polytechnic.


My Hobbies

My Hobbies primarily consist of watching anime and doing sports, mainly cycling.

Watching anime helps me de-stress and LOL, as manga artist/author are very capable of drawing the expression of drawing funny expression of the characters! Just look below! The character is from an anime series called "Gintama".

Team Slow Rider Logo

I am a fellow member of a self-form group "Team Slow Riders". The group was formed with the interest of cycling and always planning to go for rides like, Island Ride, to Marina Bay Sands, etc. What make me proud to be in this group is that whenever we ride, it always feels good thanks to their company which never fail to make the ride less sufferable and always enjoyable at the end of the day. Cycling also have made me master some essential biking skills such as bunnyhop.

TSR Group Picture